
The conference in Bled brought together leaders from the business world

Vedran Jarić, owner and founder of Planet Soft, Ivan Topličić, director of Planet Soft Belgrade and Aleksandar Antunović, director of Antecna, are participating in the large international conference "From Doomsday to New Optimism", which is being held in Bled, Slovenia.

The conference brings together hundreds of leaders from the business world, politicians and experts from various fields, who will share their knowledge, experiences and advice.

At today's conference, among other things, crisis management, challenging business situations, how to overcome them and emerge as a winner are discussed.

"While no recipes from the past can be taken as assurance for future success, facing another period of uncertainty leaders should use every opportunity to consider how to improve their own performance and come to reach better outcomes for their companies. Speaking to those leaders, who have proven their ability to lead through adversity, as well as discussing what the future may look like, adds valuable insights to such considerations“, the organizers stated on the conference's website.


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